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The Network area of ​​the secretariats of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens ( offers the following services:

  • Overview of the Curriculum of the Department of Geology and Geoenvironment
  • Course declaration
  • View and print course grades: in some or all exam periods, in one or more courses, or in aggregate, based on their successful or failed attempts
  • Online application for issuing certificates from the Department Secretariat (detailed score, recruitment, tax, etc.)

In order for students to gain access to the service, they must obtain a username and password. from the address, following the links "New User Application" and then "Undergraduate Students".

All students are obliged to declare exclusively online all the courses they wish to attend and be examined. Courses will not be automatically declared by the Secretariat under any circumstances. If a course is not declared by the student, the student's grade cannot be submitted by the instructor.

Students can change their declaration as many times as they wish until the end of the declaration period.

Registration Process

During the registration process for initial identification the student is asked to provide: (a) the Full Registration Number (13 digits: 1114 followed by the year of admission and the 5-digit registration number) and (b) the Identity Card Number (the number identity card should be rendered without spaces and in Greek capital letters, where necessary).

After the initial recognition by the system, the full name is requested (using Greek and Latin characters). The first and last name must be given exactly and not a diminutive. After the correct completion and submission of these details, the student will be notified of the Protocol Number of his application, as well as a PIN number that will be used to activate the account. The information provided is checked during business hours by the Department's Secretariat.

By following the "Account Activation (via PIN)" link on the website, the student can follow the progress of his application. If the information is approved, the student is asked to set an initial personal password and is notified of the username he will use for this service. After the approval of the data by the Secretariat and the activation of the account, the student can visit the website and use the service, giving the user code and password.