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Awarded title

Bachelor (Bsc Level 6, 240 ECTS) (New graduates from the academic year 2018-2019 receive a Certificate of Pedagogical Competence).

Name of qualification and title conferred

“PTYCHIO GEOLOGIAS KAI GEOPERIVALLONTOS” - BACHELOR DEGREE (New graduates from the academic year 2018-2019 receive a Certificate of Pedagogical Competence)

Duration of the programme

4 academic years (8 academic semesters)

ECTS credits

60 ECTS per academic year, 240 total

National and European Qualifications Framework

Level 6 (EQF)

Fields of Education (ISCED – F)

  • 0521 Environmental sciences
  • 0532 Earth sciences

Special admission requirements (if applicable)

Special legal provisions are provided by the Greek legal system

Scope and objectives

The curriculum of the Department has been designed to provide students with a high level of education and training in basic and applied research, in order for them to acquire knowledge, skills and values that will be useful in their future scientific and/or professional careers. The structure of the Bsc aims at transferring the necessary know-how and strengthening critical thinking, so that the new graduates of the Department have the necessary skills to face the challenges and develop innovative methods in geosciences and the geo-environment.

The curriculum, which has been reformed over the years and has been implemented from the academic year 2021-2022, reflects the academic character of the Department. A key axis in the development of the programme is the objective of covering the entire scope of the science of Geology and Geoenvironment, which includes both basic and applied research. This is because the applications of this science are directly linked to both the country's basic infrastructure and important production processes, as well as the modern imperatives related to the environment and sustainable development (major engineering projects, natural and mineral wealth, natural disasters, environment, etc.).

Over time, the Department's subjects have included disciplines that cover the entire geosphere, namely the subsurface (classical geological sciences), the marine environment (oceanography), the earth's surface (physical geography and geomorphology) and the atmosphere (climatology, meteorology and renewable energy).

The teaching staff of the Department covers a wide range of specializations and disciplines, in order to cover all the educational needs of the curriculum. In order to best meet the educational and research needs of the Department, the teaching staff includes people whose main degree (or PhD) does not come from Geology Departments, but from other Departments, such as Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry and Metallurgical Engineering.

Learning outcomes of the programme

Generic Competences

  • Ability to apply knowledge in practical situations
  • Promote free, creative and inductive thinking
  • Ability to plan and manage time
  • Ability to work in a team
  • Αbility to search for, process and analyse information with the use of necessary technologies
  • Adapt to and act in new situations and cope under pressure
  • Ability to be critical and self-critical
  • Oral and written communication of scientific issues
  • Decision making
  • Ability to undertake research at an appropriate level
  • Autonomous work
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT) skills
  • Ability to work in an international context
  • Commitment to conservation of the environment

Structure of the curriculum

60 ECTS units per academic year



Examination arrangements and grading scale

The DPS is graded on a 0 to 10 scale and follows:

  • Excellent (8.5-10)
  • Very good (6.5-8.49)
  • Good (5-6.49)

Obligatory or selective mobility window

Not foreseen

Work placement possibilities

Students are expected to carry out an optional internship (see Elective ΠΑ001).

Professional Profile of graduates

Graduates can be employed in a very broad spectrum of private and public sector enterprises, as well as in relevant to their specialty positions in organizations/services of the central or decentralized government.

Access to further studies

Holders of this type of qualification have access to programmes of study at the same level or at level 7 or 8.


Compulsory courses are those courses whose attendance and successful examination is considered necessary for all students of the Department.

Attendance of the theory lectures of the courses is an academic obligation of the student. Systematic attendance of the lectures is absolutely necessary for the proper theoretical training of the student. Only direct contact with the lecturer can lead to an accurate knowledge of the subject matter of each course.

Examinations are given by the lecturer(s) at the end of the semester on a set syllabus. Examinations may be written or oral. Course grades are expressed as a whole number on a scale of zero to ten (0-10), with a passing grade of five (5). In the event of failure, the student has the option of a supplemental examination. If the student also fails the supplemental examination, the student will be required to re-enroll in the course and take the course in a subsequent semester.

The curriculum includes thirty-three (33) required courses.


Elective courses are a set of courses from which the student completes the number of courses required for a degree. The student must take electives from at least two (2) areas. Elective courses are declared by students who are in the semester in which they are taught or later.

With regard to the examinations and grading of each elective course, the same applies as for required courses. In case of failure, the student may re-enroll in the course and take it in a subsequent semester or enroll in another elective course.

The curriculum includes 52 elective courses, of which the student must select eight (8).


Many of the compulsory or elective courses are accompanied by practical exercises in specially equipped laboratories (laboratories). The content of the laboratory exercises is related to the subject matter of the same course.

The practice is compulsory and for practical reasons students are divided into sections.

In order for a student to be considered successful in the laboratory, he/she must have successfully completed all the exercises prescribed by the programme of each laboratory.

In case of absence or failure of the student in some exercises, the exercises may be repeated, after consultation with the person in charge of the laboratory, provided that this possibility is available.

Each student's participation in the laboratory is graded by the laboratory grade which "participates" in the formation of the single course grade. The exact way of calculating the laboratory grade is determined by each laboratory, depending on its specificities, on the basis of one or more of the following data:

i.  The performance, active participation and skill of the student, the successful completion of the exercises, as well as the quality and completeness of the laboratory reports.

ii. The result of rough written or oral examinations on topics, usually relating to the day's exercise or the content of the exercises undertaken.

iii. The result of intermediate examinations ("progress") in which the student takes only after successfully completing all the prescribed laboratory exercises.

iv. The result in the end-of-semester laboratory examinations, in which the student participates only after successfully completing the laboratory.

The above procedure results in the laboratory grade, which is taken into account in the formation of the single course grade. A prerequisite for participation in the course examinations is the completion of the corresponding laboratory exercises. The course is considered successful when the theoretical and laboratory part of the course is passed.


Field Exercises are compulsory for all students and are related to the compulsory and elective courses. They are conducted, for the winter semester courses, during the two-week period from the end of November to the beginning of December, and for the spring semester courses, between 15-30 May. The students are divided into groups and each group is led outdoors by teachers and laboratory teaching staff from all sectors. The Compulsory course "Geological Mapping" (Y6203) takes place in the 6th semester, between 15-30 May, is Interdisciplinary and includes: i) Preparation in the laboratory, ii) Mapping in the field (general geological and specific) and iii) Delivery of a report - examination. For students in the last two years of study, Interdisciplinary Field Exercises are also offered, in which multifaceted topics are examined, taking into account the knowledge of most of the courses taught in all years of study. (more info)


The diploma thesis is the student's first comprehensive study as a Geologist and Geo-environmentalist and includes in general: a. literature study, b. field work and/or laboratory analysis, c. extraction of results and formulation of conclusions on the specific subject matter and d. writing and appropriate presentation of these data.

The thesis is the culmination of the student's educational course at the Department of Geology and Geoenvironment and incorporates all the knowledge acquired during his/her studies. It is carried out in the context of a specialised study in the subject or subjects chosen by the student. The subject of the thesis must be relevant to the content of the courses attended by the student. The choice of the subject of the thesis is made from a list of topics, which are communicated each year by the Department's Sectors. The student is supervised by a faculty member who is responsible for the supervision of the student and who grades the student's performance at the end. A copy of the thesis is submitted in electronic form to the Library of the Faculty of Science. (more info at Υ8202  and Υ8203)


In order to obtain the degree of Geology and Geoenvironment, the student must meet the following requirements:

1. Successfully complete eight (8) semesters of study.

2. Accumulate at least two hundred forty (240) ETCS.

3. Successfully complete a minimum of forty (40) semester courses (mandatory and elective). The mandatory courses include the Diploma Thesis.

After successful completion of the (32) Mandatory Courses, the student shall accumulate one hundred and ninety-two (192) credits. To complete the number of two hundred and twenty (240) credit hours, the student may choose additional:

- either “Diploma Thesis-Research" with 20 ECTS and seven (7) electives for the completion of forty (40) course

- or " Diploma Thesis - Bibliographical" with 12 ECTS and nine (9) elective courses, and the completion of forty-two (42) courses


Course registrations are made at the beginning of the semester.

Students are required to register for all mandatory courses of the semester in which they are enrolled.

A prerequisite for taking the course examinations is the completion of the corresponding laboratory exercises.