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The purpose of the Internal Evaluation process in the Department of Geology and Geoenvironment is for the Department to form and formulate a critical opinion on the quality of its work. This opinion is based on objective criteria and indicators of common consensus and general acceptance, with the aim of (i) the documented highlighting of the Department's achievements, (ii) the highlighting of points that need improvement, (iii) the identification of improvement actions, (iv) taking initiatives for independent action within the Department, wherever and whenever possible and (v) taking decisions for independent actions within the Foundation, whenever and wherever possible.

For the collection and analysis of the data, the census data collection information system ( and the electronic course evaluation questionnaires from the students ( are used. These tools were created by MO.DI.P. of EKPA in collaboration with K.LEI.DI. (Network Operation and Management Center) and were used for the first time in the academic year 2012-2013. The electronic questionnaires were redesigned and are being used in their new form from the academic year 2019-2020. In addition, from the academic year 2015-16, apart from the online course questionnaires, a separate evaluation questionnaire for the mandatory Field Exercises was designed and used, which is distributed in paper form during the field exercises. Finally, on the EKPA platform "e-Class", a special node has been created, where the results of the questionnaires of all courses are shared, so that they can be accessed by all members of the Department (teachers and students).

During the Internal Evaluation process, the teaching, research and other scientific work carried out by the members of the Department are systematically and critically evaluated, while there is close cooperation with the MO.DI.P. of EKPA. Since the start of the Internal Evaluation process (2009), the Department has prepared and submitted 2 Internal Evaluation Reports (2012 and 2017), one Certification Report (2018) as well as the annual valuation reports. Finally, the Department has successfully completed the External Evaluation (2012)  and Certification (2019) process. The Evaluation process led to the common finding that the Department operates with transparency, collegiality, respect for democratic processes, promotes and cultivates the geosciences consistently and with high scientific criteria. At the same time, it made it possible to clearly record the main virtues and dynamics of the Department, as well as to highlight the points where there is room for improvement.