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The Department provides the possibility to carry out post-doctoral research in all the academic topics it covers. The postdoctoral research can be carried out in collaboration with the scientific staff of the Department in the context of either national or international research programs. It is governed by the Postdoctoral Research Regulations as officially established.

Postdoctoral Research Regulations of the Department of Geology and Geoenvironment of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens(Greek version)

Postdoctoral Researchers:

NameSupervising ProfessorPostdoctoral Research Title
Andreas GondikasArgyraki Ariadni, ProfessorGeochemical study of particles in the marine environment of the Hellenic volcanic arc
Christos PsarrasKoskeridou Efterpi, ProfessorSystematic description of the gastropods of the upper Miocene of Crete, with the help of ultraviolet radiation
Ariadni-Aphroditi GeorgatouVoudouris Panagiotis, ProfessorMagma fertility of porphyry epithermal magmas in Greece: insights from geochemistry of magmatic sulfides, melt inclusions and their host minerals and rocks