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Stylianos Chailas

Position: Technical Laboratory Personnel
Section of: Geophysics and Geothermy

Tel: +30 2107274940
Personal Webpage:

Research Interests

Γεωλογία, Γεωδαισία, Ηφαιστειολογία, Γεωφυσική, Εφαρμοσμένη Γεωφυσική, Γεωδυναμική, Επεξεργασία δεδομένων, Δυναμικές Μέθοδοι στην Γεωφυσική

Research assistant

Undergraduate Program

  • Geophysics
  • Appleud Geophysics

Indicative Publications

Chailas, S., Hipkin R.G., Lagios, E., (1993) Isostatic studies in the Hellenides., 2nd International Congress, Hellenic Geophysical Union. Florina, Greece, May 5-7, pp. 492-504.

Chailas, S., Lagios, E., (1996) Monitoring of the Local Gravity Field in Santorini Volcano, 1984-1995. Volcanoes of Europe, in Proceedings of the 2nd workshop on European laboratory volcanoes 2-4 May 1996, Santorini, Greece, pp. 297-309.

Chailas, S., Lagios, E., (1998) Flexural studies relating to the Fore-Arc region of the Hellenic Arc. XVIth Congress of the Carpathian - Balcan Geological Association, August 30 - September 2, Vienna. [Extended Abstract]

Chailas S., Tzanis, A., Lagios E., (2007). Structure of the Marathon Basin (NE Attica, Greece) based on gravity measurements. Proceedings of the 11th Congress of Greek Geol. Society, Athens, May 24 - 26. Δελτίο της Ελληνικής Γεωλογικής Εταιρείας, 40, σελ. 1063-1073.

A. Tzanis, H. Kranis, And S. Chailas (2010) An investigation of the active tectonics in central-eastern mainland Greece with imaging and decomposition of topographic and aeromagnetic data. Journal of Geodynamics, 49 (2), pp. 55-67. (doi:10.1016/j.jog.2009.09.042)

Tzanis A., Efstathiou, A., Chailas, S., Stamatakis, M. (2018) Evidence of recent plutonic magmatism beneath Northeast Peloponnesus (Greece) and its relationship to regional tectonics., Geophysical Journal International. 212(3), pp.1600-1626.

Chailas, S., Tzanis, A. (2019) A new improved version of the Aeromagnetic Map of Greece., Proceedings of the 15th International Congress of the Geological Society of Greece, At: Athens, 22-24 May, 2019 Harokopio University of Athens, Greece, Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece, Sp. Pub. 7 Ext. Abs. GSG2019-305, pp.289-290.

Tzanis, A., Chailas, S., Sakkas, V., Lagios E. (2020) Tectonic Deformation in the Santorini Volcanic Complex (Greece) as Inferred by Joint Analysis of Gravity, Magnetotelluric and DGPS Observations., Geophysical Journal International, 220(1), pp.461-489.

Tzanis A., Efstathiou, A., Chailas, S., Lagios, E., Stamatakis, M. (2020) The Methana Volcano – Geothermal Resource, Greece, and its relationship to regional tectonics., Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 404:107035, DOI: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2020.107035

Kassaras, I., Kapetanidis, V., Ganas, A., Tzanis, A., Kosma, C., Karakonstantis, A., Valkaniotis, S., Chailas, S., Kouskouna, V., Papadimitriou, P. (2020) The New Seismotectonic Atlas of Greece (v1.0) and Its Implementation. Geosciences, 10, 447.