Wednesday 24 Σεπτεμβρίου 2025
10th Bone Diagenesis Meeting (24-26 September 2025)

Bone Diagenesis workshops have been held every four years since 1988, in various cities in Europe and Africa, bringing together researchers to showcase and discuss recent advances related to diagenesis in bones and teeth.

The 10th Bone Diagenesis Meeting will be held in Athens, Greece on 24-26 September 2025. The meeting will take place at the premises of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens (ASCSA) under the auspices of Department of Geology and Geoenvironment of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.

The 10th Bone Diagenesis Meeting will highlight continuing advances in microscopy, palaeoproteomics, DNA studies, stable isotopes, radiocarbon/amino acid dating, physicochemical analysis, multi-method approaches, developments of state-of-the-art methodology, etc. All the above, covering different parts of the geological time scale, from extremely old skeletal material (fossils) to more recent cases (forensic samples).

This conference is also an excellent opportunity for students and early career researchers to get acquainted with future trends and perspectives of bone and tooth diagenesis in a multidisciplinary environment.

Click here for more information