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The Department of Geology and Geoenvironment, committed to the principles of environmental sustainability, has in recent years integrated into its operations the support of solutions that promote the proper management of solid waste resulting from the various activities within the Department.

In the premises of the Department, the following materials are collected in separate collection lines (at predetermined points and in corresponding bins with special signing) and forwarded for recycling:

  • Paper
  • Mixed recyclables
  • Electrical and electronic devices
  • Batteries
  • Light bulbs

Indicatively, in 2017, 14 tons of paper, 750 kg of mixed recyclables, 30 kg of batteries and 340 kg of light bulbs were collected.

In addition, for the academic year 2018-2019, the promotion of Recycling at the Source is planned, implementing the separate collection of packaging materials for:

  • Plastic
  • Aluminum
  • Glass

Given than the alternative management and the promotion of recycling is a matter for all of us, the Department is preparing a general Waste Management Plan, which will be based on the tripartite:

Avoid – Reduce – Recycle.

Its aim is to establish specific quantitative goals for the coming years and to strengthen specific actions to raise awareness among students and employees on the issues of recycling and proper waste management.